VPN For Netflix – How To Deal With Geoblocking

streaming with vpnNetflix is one of the most popular streaming services in the world today. Top-class series, exciting movies and funny comedy shows are only a small part of the huge range of products. So it’s time to take a closer look at Netflix.

In my experience, you can watch Netflix with a VPN, which gives you some significant advantages. Not to give too much away: A larger Netflix product line is just one of them.

In this article you can read about the exact advantages of a VPN for Netflix, how to circumvent geoblocking and which free and paid providers I recommend.

In short: Netflix with a VPN has many advantages

You get a lot out of watching Netflix with a VPN. You can bypass geoblocking and also access the much larger American range of streaming services from other countries. Plus, you can enjoy the full range of content while traveling and don’t have to sacrifice content. You see: The advantages are really practical.

I recommend you to use a good and reliable VPN like ExpressVPN which is also highly recommended on this VPN expert portal. In my tests the provider was absolutely convincing. It works flawlessly and offers you all the above mentioned advantages for a good price.

Why can you bypass geoblocking with a VPN

If you take a closer look at Netflix, you will quickly come across the topic of geoblocking. Especially before travelling to a non-EU country, you should take a closer look at it if you want to be able to use Netflix while on holiday or at home.

What is Geoblocking?

Geoblocking is an important topic not only in connection with Netflix, but also with other streaming services such as Amazon Video, Sky Go or Spotify. Simply explained, geoblocking is the process of determining your location so that you can only access certain content.

You may have heard that Netflix is not just Netflix. Each country has a specific range of movies, series, shows, etc. But that assortment varies from country to country. In Germany for instance you cannot stream the same content as in Thailand.

If Netflix wants to broadcast a content, let’s say a movie, it has to buy the licensing rights for it. However, these must be purchased separately for each country. So it can happen that Netflix has the American license rights for a film, but does not buy e.g. the German license rights. The film may then only be shown in the USA and not in Germany.

To implement this, many streaming services use geoblocking. They want to protect themselves from the high penalties that can be imposed for breaches of licensing rights.

The whole thing works like this: You open Netflix and your IP address will give you an approximate location. Assuming you are in Berlin. Then Netflix will only display content that is allowed to be shown in your country.

Movies for which Netflix only has the American license rights will not be shown to you at all. Even if you enter the title in the Netflix search, you will not find it. So with Geoblocking, Netflix prevents you from streaming content that is not allowed to be shown at your location.

How does a VPN work?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN client is used to establish an encrypted connection to a VPN server. Once you have installed and activated a VPN on your mobile phone, laptop or tablet, you can surf the net via this special connection.

The advantage is that you make your IP address unrecognizable. This makes it impossible for authorities to trace the IP address back to you. This is also useful for certain services like Netflix. With the help of a VPN you can also circumvent geo restrictions.

This means you don’t surf with your real IP address, but with that of a VPN server. For this reason many users use a VPN for streaming.

What does this have to do with Netflix? Very simple: You can connect to servers from different countries via a VPN. An American server, for example. Then you surf with an American IP address and Netflix assumes that you are in the USA.

Netflix will then show you the American product range. So you can trick geoblocking and enjoy American Netflix even though you are in Germany.

Is it legal to use a VPN with Netflix?

Before I answer the question of whether VPNs are legal for Netflix, I would like to point out that I am not a lawyer. I am very familiar with technology and am also good at research, but I am not a lawyer.

The use of a VPN is legal for now. It depends on what you’re using it for. Many universities, for example, use VPNs so that students can access the university servers from home. Of course there is nothing illegal about that.

If you use a VPN to bypass geoblocking, you are in a grey area in Germany. You can commit a “copyright infringement in the form of an illegal circumvention of an effective technical protection measure”.

The problem with this is that it is difficult to prove that such a copyright infringement was actually committed. Netflix is of course also aware of the problem and tries to proceed against VPNs with clever protective measures.

For example, the use of VPNs is indirectly prohibited in the Netflix Terms of Use under point 4.3. If the streaming service notices that you are using a VPN, an error message will appear and you will not be able to stream anything until you turn off the VPN. You can read more about this below.

Can I see Netflix abroad?

If you regularly watch Netflix at home (like most people around me), you may ask yourself, “Can you watch Netflix anywhere? Whether you can stream Netflix abroad as usual depends on your destination.

Within the EU you can use Netflix in the same way as in Germany. Please note that Switzerland is not part of the EU and the UK is not part of the EU anymore. In 2018, the EU passed the Portability Act.

Netflix problems

I must say that in my opinion, problems with Netflix occur relatively rarely. In most cases the streaming service works without problems.

But sometimes it happens that something does not work. If no error message appears, I would recommend these 3 tips:

  • Wait. Maybe Netflix has a problem. You can check it on a troubleshooter page or simply ask your friends if someone is having problems.
  • Update your software: Maybe your web browser or app isn’t up to date.
  • Delete cookies: Sometimes certain cookies block access to Netflix. Delete your cookies and try again.

However, Netflix may not work and an error message may appear on your screen. This is not a reason to cancel Netflix. This much can be said: There are many different error codes on Netflix. You can find out what they are and how to fix them in my article about Netflix problems.

Some errors are related to the VPN provider you are using. To avoid having to deal with such error codes in the first place, you need a VPN that can reliably bypass geoblocking.


This Is How Corona Endangers The Credit Agreements

The corona crisis will lead to covenant breaches and discussions with lenders for many companies. We’ve asked two finance lawyers, who explain what awaits CFOs and how they can arm themselves.

The serious consequences of the corona virus will continue to stall almost all companies in Europe until further notice. What do CFOs and treasurers need to keep in mind to ensure that their financing contracts don’t get bogged down now?

The CFO has to model how these slumps will affect EBITDA and the agreed financial ratios, and he has to talk to the banks at an early stage to agree on a “holiday period” for the financial ratios.

What exactly does “Holiday Period” mean?

During this period, the financial covenants are further defined or even suspended altogether. We regularly see holiday periods as restructuring. They are nothing new in themselves, even if they have been applied for in individual cases and not yet on a broad basis. Depending on the test dates stipulated in the credit documentation, holiday periods usually last one to two quarters, but sometimes even a year.

However, a good reason is required to establish them. We recommend that the effects of the coronavirus on the business be carefully documented and prepared in a comprehensible manner.

However, in terms of risk management, banks cannot simply suspend financial covenants for all their borrowers.

That is correct. Politicians, the European Central Bank and BaFin must accommodate the banks and, for example, relax the requirements for banks’ risk provisioning.

Caution with MAC Clause in Loan Agreement

With the help of so-called “Material Adverse Effect” (MAE) or “Material Adverse Change” (MAC) clauses in syndicated or bilateral loan agreements, banks have the possibility to pull the ripcord in the event of unforeseen events. How do these clauses work and when do they take effect?

The clauses usually entitle the lenders to terminate a loan agreement or to refuse to draw if a borrower’s business activities, financial position, results of operations or earnings prospects have changed or are expected to change in a materially adverse manner.

Are the Aonsequences of the Corona Crisis on Companies large enough for Lenders to be able to draw the MAC Clause?

Whether effects on the business activity or earnings situation based on the corona epidemic can trigger the legal consequences of a MAC depends on the specific circumstances and the specifically agreed MAC clause. For example, the decisive factor is whether, according to the specific clause, the deterioration must already have occurred or is only imminent.

Are these MAC Clauses in the Corona Crisis even helpful from the Banks’ Point of View?

The clauses actually help neither the borrower nor the lender, unless the lender wants to prevent further drawings due to corona risks and – possibly wrongly – invoke the MAC clause. The management and the persons who make credit calls are therefore strongly advised to carefully check the accuracy of the assurances associated with a disbursement request in order to avoid any (personal) risks resulting from the submission of incorrect declarations.

No bank will terminate due to MAC clause

In View of the Corona Crisis, must CFOs now expect a large Wave of Terminations by Lenders?

Cancellations based solely on a MAC clause are rare in practice because they would be risky for the lender. This is because, according to the legal model, an extraordinary termination requires that a significant deterioration in the financial circumstances of the borrower or in the intrinsic value of the collateral provided for the loan occurs or threatens to occur which jeopardises the repayment of the loan, even if the collateral is realised.

The lender must be able to prove that this is the case in case of doubt. That is why we do not believe that a bank will terminate the financing relationship simply because of a breach of a MAC clause. There must be more to it than that, for example an actual breach of covenant.

What is your Advice to CFOs who, in this difficult Situation, are currently in the middle of Negotiations for a new Loan Agreement?

If a company needs financing security, there are many arguments in favor of underwriting. But then you have to take a close look at the underwriting conditions, because lenders naturally want to be protected in the current environment. It is advisable to also address the effects of the corona crisis. Otherwise, you will have to ask yourself afterwards why this has not been taken into account.

One still quite unconventional way to get cash, which is now also available, is for people who cannot get another loan because they are no longer considered creditworthy by the bank AND who, at the same time, own Bitcoin. People who have Bitcoin can get a credit for it by depositing Bitcoin as a pledge. The advantage of this is that you don’t have to sell your BTC for it, you just give it away for a while until you have paid off the loan.

Measures to Support Companies

European governments is preparing short-term liquidity assistance, guarantees and tax deferrals for companies that have fallen into difficulties as a result of the coronavirus. However, established instruments such as KfW entrepreneur loans generally take several months before they are approved. There is no question of short-term. Is that really a solution?

Various measures are needed to stabilise the situation; aid loans are one way of covering any capital requirements that arise. But as I said, these loans must be available at short notice. KfW promotional loans, which are granted through the house banks, could be an effective and quick instrument here. We have already addressed another point: Supervision could relieve banks of the burden of capital requirements in order to allow them to remain silent for longer in the event of covenant breaches. The ECB already set the course for this last Thursday.

Other legal measures include, for example, extending the deadlines for the obligation to file for insolvency or adjusting the application requirements. Even during the financial crisis, changes were made here that helped to stabilize the situation. In addition, the liability risks for financiers in connection with the granting of bridge loans could be limited or shareholder financing could be made easier in the crisis.


Understanding the Economic Shock of Coronavirus:

Instant Bitcoin Loans:

Material Adverse Change: The ABCs of MACs:

Material Adverse Change Sample Clauses:

Bitcoin Trading Guide – All Possible Options

Big Bitcoin trading guide

The Internet currency Bitcoin has long been in real life: Bitcoins can be bought and sold on special exchanges. Various online merchants, shops, pubs and restaurants accept Bitcoins as a means of payment. The fact that the digital currency is neither controlled by governments nor by banks is what makes it so appealing to many: Everyone (with enough financial resources) can generate Bitcoins through the technical process of mining.

However, there are also some significant risks associated with Bitcoin: amounts can be irrevocably lost through data loss or break-ins in online exchanges. Even extreme exchange rate fluctuations have already led to high losses. The prospect of quick money from the Internet is tempting, but Bitcoin newcomers can quickly go astray and go down expensive roads.

Bitcoin trading is becoming increasingly interesting for investors and promises significant profits. Therefore, more and more interested parties are asking themselves the question: How can Bitcoins be traded? There is a relatively broad spectrum of possibilities and means, which will be presented here in an overview to make it easier for beginners.

How can Bitcoins be traded, and what should you know in Advance?

In order to make informed decisions when trading Bitcoins, it is essential to gather basic information about the principle of cryptocurrencies in general, the function of the block chain and Bitcoins in particular. For beginners, the topic is admittedly quite complex at first and therefore carries the risk of making losses.

So what is Bitcoin and the Technology behind it?

Bitcoin is the first digital currency ever and the pioneer of the so-called block chain technology – Bitcoin has been around for ten years. The concern of the founder(s) behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto was to create a decentralized, user-oriented currency that would be both practical to use and safe from manipulation.

During the first years of its existence, the Bitcoin bobbed in the shallow waters of international finance, hardly noticed and often dismissed as a pilot project for nerds. Since 2016, however, interest in the crypto currency and its numerous imitators or even offshoots such as Bitcoin Cash has been growing.

How does Bitcoin work anyway?

BTC official logoThe Bitcoin or BTC is on the one hand the unit of the means of payment, but on the other hand also the computer network that manages it. Behind the cryptocurrencies is the network of the Blockchain – all users of the Bitcoin who manage it via the associated software are part of it. Each transaction with Bitcoin is added to the transaction list of the block chain to keep it up to date.

New “blocks” are continuously added and their contents are distributed to all computers in the network. Anyone who makes their computer available for these administrative processes in the block chain generates new Bitcoins through the computing power expended. This is called mining. The Bitcoins “dug” in this way benefit the prospector.

What makes Bitcoin Trading interesting for Investors?

The zero interest rate strategy of the European central banks ensures that classic savings simply no longer pay off. This makes more and more investors look for alternative investment models that are not tied to the banking industry.

Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, were created from the outset with the intention of offering investors just such alternatives. Bitcoin’s high-flying in 2017 shows how high the interest is now. Even if the Bitcoin exchange rate has fallen again in the meantime, the digital currency will remain in business due to its long-term availability and decentralized security. After the spin-off of the – faster and cheaper – Bitcoin Cash, there is a growing tendency to make Bitcoin attractive as “digital gold” for investors.

This is due to the limited amount of Bitcoin from the outset and the cumbersome nature of the Bitcoin Blockchain. With limited block sizes of 1 MB, the proponents of the classic Bitcoin defend the concept of a virtual financial design that is not necessarily intended to function quickly and easily like cash, but is characterized by security against manipulation and peer-to-peer functionality.

Anyone who gives Bitcoin preference over other crypto-currencies for ideological reasons, among others, will now ask themselves how Bitcoin can be traded.

How to trade Bitcoins

Bitcoin can be traded in two ways. Investors can buy and physically own the digital currency themselves, and then sell it as the price rises. This is similar to the way forex trading works. Alternatively, one can speculate on the price development without actually owning Bitcoin. The latter is possible via financial derivatives, such as contracts for difference, also known as CFDs.

Trade Bitcoins directly

Those who want to buy and sell the cryptocurrency directly need the Bitcoin client, i.e. the software for receiving or transferring the digital currency. The handling is very easy, especially for users who are already familiar with electronic banking. After installation, users are immediately taken to the main window of the software and are guided through the setup step by step.

The Bitcoin client also creates an electronic purse, a so-called wallet, when used for the first time. The Wallet is not initially password-protected. If you decide to encrypt using a password (which is advisable), it is advisable to choose a strong, long password, write it down and keep it safe.

If you want to use the Bitcoin client to trade with BTC, you should know that the software copies all the block chain information on the local computer. This can take a lot of time during the initial installation – it is a data volume of about 65 GB, which is constantly updated and supplemented!

On the other hand, it should also be noted that the so-called “local” wallet, i.e. the digital wallet on your own computer, is much safer than the digital wallet at a provider – these are always the target of hacker attacks. If you decide to use a virtual wallet, you should place the greatest possible emphasis on strong passwords and 2-step verification to protect your Bitcoin capital.

Trading Bitcoin on a Crypto Exchange (Spot Trading)

Another way to trade with Bitcoin is on one of the online exchanges suitable for this purpose. Registration for such a stock exchange is usually a multi-stage process, comparable to registration for online banking. The first step is to provide your email address and mobile phone number. After validation by a code, you are there and have set up an account which can now be topped up by depositing currency.

This gives you all the means to purchase and trade Bitcoin. The amount of daily purchases is however tied to the verification level. Only users who have verified themselves to the highest level, including a VideoIdent procedure, can use all the functions of the crypto exchanges for trading large sums of money and also use their credit cards.

The advantage of digital exchanges is that registered users can enter their preferences for intended transactions, such as minimum or maximum prices. The exchange takes care of the rest. If a suitable offer is available, the transaction is carried out without the user having to look up each time.

Trading BTC on Marketplaces

In so-called marketplaces, things are basically similar. Here too, supply and demand are compared. Unlike on a stock exchange, however, investors must enter the desired parameters themselves. The marketplace then provides a list of possible bids or requests, which can also be viewed in detail.

Here, buyers and sellers have the opportunity to contact each other directly and, if necessary, agree on details of the transaction. However, you have to search for suitable partners yourself, unlike on the exchanges, matching is not automatic.

Marketplaces usually require the specification of a bank account through which the transactions carried out are covered. The location of the house bank for both buyer and seller has a significant influence on how quickly a transaction can be completed – ideally if both banks are located in the same country.

Trading Bitcoin indirectly with Derivatives

As already mentioned in the beginning, you can participate in the price development of the BTC without actually owning Bitcoin. This is possible via contracts for difference.

Bitcoin Price Transactions as CFD

If you don’t have any Bitcoin cash at all, but still want to participate in the performance, you can opt for CFDs. CFDs or contracts for difference profit from the price difference between the time of entry and exit, the so-called spread. If the price of Bitcoin Cash increases, the CFD also increases. Trading is done through a CFD broker.

Investors only need a comparatively small amount of equity capital, because the use of CFD trading can be multiplied by so-called leverage. Depending on the offers of the respective broker, but also on the liquidity of the investor, the leverage in Bitcoin margin trading can be a factor of up to 20 and possible profits can increase accordingly.

However, CFDs derivatives are so-called high-risk products. Comprehensive advance information and a clear awareness of the risks are a prerequisite for entering into this type of margining transaction.

Investors wondering where to trade Bitcoins can also be referred to so-called binary options. These financial products are actually based on only two parameters: The occurrence or non-occurrence of factor X. The advantage of trading Bitcoin via Binary Options is that an investor only risks his investment, but nothing beyond that.

This distinguishes this form of Bitcoin price trading from trading in Contracts for Difference and makes this investment interesting even for newcomers to the field of crypto-currencies. Binary options offer a good opportunity to enter into indirect trading with Bitcoin without too much risk.

Trade Bitcoin Forecasts (Futures)

These products, also called Futures, are bets on the future price trend, both rising and falling. If another trader accepts the bet, the deal is closed. The subsequent price development of Bitcoin determines the expected profit. Good profits can be made with forecasts, but also here with the risk of losses. The special thing about forecasts – there must always be a trader who accepts the forecast, i.e. the bet. Forecasts with relatively low risks are not particularly attractive for the creator and therefore often do not find a buyer.

Trade Bitcoin offline

Just like other digital currencies, Bitcoin can be traded offline. There are platforms that bring buyers and sellers together, often in close proximity. In real-time meetings arranged in this way, Bitcoin changes hands in exchange for cash. However, these are strictly private transactions that are not subject to supervision or any kind of control and are entered into at your own risk.

Conclusion on Trading with Bitcoin

As now described, there are various ways to trade Bitcoin – on the one hand by directly owning the digital currency, on the other hand by speculating on the development of the price. The profits differ significantly. Especially high-risk products such as contracts for differences can yield high profits, but should be handled with appropriate caution.

Especially the so-called leverage, i.e. the multiplication of the original investment value in CFDs can lead to investors multiplying their losses in the event of a loss. For this reason, detailed information and all necessary caution are always recommended when trading Bitcoin. Especially beginners should at best start trading Bitcoin with small amounts and diversified investments.

Recommended Sources For Bitcoin Trading:

List of Best Bitcoin Brokers:

The Best Marketplaces:

Bitcoin Futures on Wall Street:

Also read:


What the future holds for Bitcoin

A study by Deutsche Bank predicts that cryptocurrencies could soon replace established money. Critics consider this to be highly unlikely.

If the euro had lost almost half its value within six months, investors would have panicked long ago. No matter how many times the European Central Bank (ECB) would stress that it has the situation under control, the bulk of savers would have put their money in safe havens long ago.

With crypto currencies, on the other hand, investors react surprisingly calmly to the wildest turbulence. No matter what capers the Bitcoin exchange rate beats: investors are staunchly loyal to digital currency. For many of them, Bitcoin is nothing less than the money of the future.

The question of whether crypto currencies are the better money is as old as Bitcoin. Now crypto-disciples have been given fresh food. In a report entitled “Imagine 2030”, Deutsche Bank provides arguments on about 80 pages why crypto currencies could replace fiat money within the next decade. Cryptos are already used in many different areas, for example in the money lending industry. Read more about that topic at LUCKYCOINER.

Central bankers use the term fiat money to describe currencies in the traditional sense: money that serves as a medium of exchange but has no intrinsic value. “The forces that hold the fiat money system together are fragile,” writes study author John Reid.

For a Fiat money system to work, it needs trust in the guardians of money. People need to believe that the currency will be as valuable tomorrow as it is today. If this is not the case, the system will collapse. By 2030, such a scenario could be imminent, Reid believes. His argumentation: the central banks’ expansive monetary policy is eroding people’s confidence in the national currencies.

For a long time now, the guardians of the currency have no longer been pursuing price stability as their primary goal, but have been keeping interest rates artificially low as an extended arm of policy in order to make it easier for states to refinance their debts.

“Before governments allow interest rates to rise, they are more likely to change the mandates of central banks,” writes Reid. This in turn is likely to drive up inflation – and further fuel doubts about fiat money. Demand for alternative currencies like Bitcoin could then skyrocket.

But are cryptos really the better currency?

Critics argue mainly with volatility. For a currency to be accepted, its value must be stable. If the exchange rate now rises by three percent on Monday and falls by five percent on Wednesday, gamblers will be happy, but the majority of people will never accept such a currency as a stable means of payment. “In view of the exchange rate fluctuations, crypto tokens are neither suitable for reliable value retention nor as a unit of account,” says Bundesbank boss Jens Weidmann.

Even Deutsche Bank analyst Reid sees some hurdles for a crypto-based financial system. First, states and supervisory authorities would have to officially recognize digital currencies as a means of payment in order to stabilize the exchange rate. Then it would need the support of payment service providers, credit card companies and merchants to create global reach. Finally, providers would need to find solutions to potential threats such as cyber attacks or power failures to prevent hackers from collapsing the system.

Critics see yet another problem, especially with market leader Bitcoin

If the economy grows, the money supply must actually grow with it – after all, more money is needed to buy the additional goods produced. Central bankers therefore constantly adjust the money supply. But the amount of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million. This protects Bitcoin from inflation, but the system tends towards deflation.

A financial system based on Bitcoin would thus suffer from the same confidence problems that Deutsche Banker Reid currently attests to Fiat money.

Sports Betting with BTC

There are now providers of sports betting almost a dime a dozen. There are sometimes significant differences from provider to provider. But what many providers have in common is that they look to the future. That is why crypto currencies in particular are playing an increasingly important role.

Conventional payment methods have long since ceased to set the tone, and more and more people are turning to Bitcoins and Co. We would like to introduce you to the topic in more detail and also take up what crypto currencies have to do with sports betting using Bitcoins as an example. Finally there are more and more bookmakers with Bitcoin.

What are Bitcoins?

Bitcoins are a virtual currency but serve the same purpose as paying with coins or notes. The term Bitcoins is composed of Bit (the smallest memory unit on the computer) and Coin. However, the total amount of Bitcoin money is limited. Only a certain percentage is added each year. By around 2040, the limit of around 21 million Bitcoin is likely to be reached. In summary, these are calculated and encrypted data blocks, which are stored centrally by one computer, but decentrally by many computers around the world. This technology is called Blockchain and is considered to have a very promising future. However, we do not want to go into the exact technical details as this would go beyond the scope of this article. But Bitcoins are by no means the only payment method based on the block chain method. Currently there are about 800 different crypto currencies.

Where can I get Bitcoins?

Theoretically, anyone could create Bitcoins through so-called “mining”. However, the effort for private persons would be so high by now that this would no longer be worthwhile. That’s why it’s advisable to buy Bitcoins in exchanges such as eToro, Plus500, coinbase, bitcoin.de or Kraken. If Bitcoins are purchased on several portals, all Bitcoins can be combined in a Bitcoin Wallet. e-Wallet on the smartphone is suitable for daily use. For online purchases, this can also be done on a PC or Latop. Take care to protect it with a passphrase, which must be entered before each transaction.

Use Bitcoins for sports betting

With some providers it is now possible that crypto currencies such as Bitcoins can also be used as a means of payment. To do this, users must exchange their real money with one of the Bitcoins file sharing services. Afterwards a payment can be made to the bookmaker. The possibilities are endless, to get an overview off all leages you can bet on check out the site https://www.bestbitcoinbetting.com/leagues.

Bookmakers with Bitcoin as a means of payment

  • One of the most famous bookmakers, which offers a variety of crypto currencies is 1xbet. The Russian provider impresses with a huge betting offer and high odds and bets on alternative currencies.
  • Rivalo is a white label of Tipico and therefore has numerous overlaps with Tipico. At Rivalo you can also deposit with Bitcoins. However, German customers cannot currently register with Rivalo.
  • Netbet is an old hand in the market for sports betting and can convince in many points. The provider now also relies on Bitcoins. German customers, however, have to fall back on the remaining methods.
  • Betting has been possible with Intertops since 1983. In 1996 the Austrian provider was one of the first to enter the online business. In the meantime, bets can also be placed with Bitcoins at Intertops.
  • 1x2Bet is a provider from Greece, which is largely unknown on the German market. Bets can be placed at 1x2Bet since 2001. The provider with Greek roots makes a payment with Bitcoins possible.
  • Melbet is an offshoot of 1xbet and can shine with the identical advantages. At Melbet it is also possible to deposit with crypto currencies.

Possible alternative

Via a detour it is possible to pay in with Bitcoins. The e-wallet provider Neteller offers payment with Bitcoins. The Neteller account can therefore be filled with Bitcoins. From there you can deposit with the providers via normal payment. Please note that Neteller charges 1 percent of the deposit amount.

Providers who only offer crypto currencies as payment method

We would like to point out that with the above mentioned providers can be paid in as anonymous user, because here no personal data is required. Personal data or even proof of identification for account confirmation is not required.

Some of the providers not only offer BTC, at many of them you can pay via Monero. For a complete list check www.monerogambler.com.

Advantages of Bookmaker with Bitcoin at a glance

  • No delays in payment transactions
  • Purchase and handling simple
  • Low fees
  • Payments with Bitcoins do not contain sensitive data
  • Crypto currencies are independent of banks
  • Cannot be multiplied at will, therefore offer some protection against inflation


  • Many years of experience cannot yet be employed, since blockchain is a new technology
  • Scepticism about crypto currencies remains high among both companies and customers
  • Security of the block chain is considered high, but large stock exchanges have already been hacked
  • High price fluctuations possible
  • Speculation bubbles possible
  • No stabilisation possible, for example through banks
  • Possible state intervention and ban


Crypto currencies have become an alternative and the number of companies offering crypto currencies as a means of payment is increasing. However, even scepticism is not limited and there are enough critics. We don’t want to make a name for ourselves as clairvoyants, but we do assume that crypto currencies will become more and more popular in the medium term and that they will also become indispensable in the field of sports betting.

This is especially true for bookmakers with Bitcoin. Whether this will be only one or more crypto currencies in the end is difficult to predict. After all, there are over 800 crypto currencies and it is foreseeable that only the best and most popular will prevail over time. It may well be that some currencies are enjoying a hype, but we still assume that crypto currencies will still be in their infancy and will go their way even in sports betting.

Virtual learning and working

Imaginary tiling, training via 360-degree glasses, product development in 3D – far more than gimmicks. How virtual is the job market in Germany already?

What does VR and AR mean?

Virtual and Augmented Reality, in short VR and AR, are still considered pioneering projects in the German economy. But their influence is on the rise. What exactly do these terms mean? Virtual Reality is the translation of Virtual Reality: You dive into an artificial world in which you shut yourself off from the real environment and are not aware of it. Virtual Reality is used, for example, in the field of education or architecture:  You stand in a virtually conceived room or learn classical craftsmanship on a virtual construction site.

There are a lot of different headsets, one of the most used is HTC VIVE, it is currently mostly used for gaming and porn. You can find a review at https://www.vrpornstream.com/htc-vive.

Where is VR and AR applied?

Ludger is Professor of Human-Machine System Technology at the University of Kassel. Together with a team of employees from his field, he has developed an application for 360-degree glasses that will help train craftsmen in the future. The researchers have investigated how motivation and learning success of apprentices develop when they are trained in a virtual room: “We made sure that the whole thing is neither high-end nor high cost, but is suitable for a whole class of twenty people. The result: The motivation was higher, the learning success absolutely satisfactory, but the distraction factor was significantly higher.

It becomes challenging when the technologies have to be suitable for mass production, for example in large companies. This is also how Detlef Gerst, an IG Metall expert on the future of work, sees it: “Many companies are already trying it out. This is also very sensible in order to gain experience in it and to consider afterwards where it can benefit the processes”.

So the technology exists, but the companies could not simply buy it and use it immediately. All technologies must be configured to internal structures, programmed accordingly and adapted to the IT environment of each company, says Gerst. “The companies must also remain realistic: If they invest in it, it must bring a benefit that justifies all the effort”. Gerst sees an urgency for VR in product development: “You can imagine a lot, for example a car that shows me “what it looks like where I’m going.” The decisive factor is what customers are willing to spend money on.

How expensive is virtual reality?

According to Gerst, the most common applications are tablets and PCs on which work instructions or information about work processes are imported. Product development with 3D views is also common practice in many processes. This means that many fields of application are based on end devices that are already widely used. As a result, the acquisition costs are often lower than expected. According to Schmidt, there are devices for virtual reality that are quite affordable: “For less than 50 euros, you can buy mounts in which a normal smartphone can be inserted and which thus become real virtual reality glasses. Augmented reality devices, on the other hand, are still relatively expensive, but have already been well researched. It is probably only a matter of time before cheaper solutions are available: Our students can build their own AR application in an hour and a half, something that took us an entire research institute 20 years ago.

What effects do VR and AR have on employees?

  • As with many other developments in the labour market, the question of jobs also arises with AR and VR.
  • Do jobs disappear because technologies can do it better?
  • Not in the field of virtual reality, says Schmidt, because it provides support for people moving in this virtual world, but cannot replace them.

The situation is somewhat different with augmented reality. Here, existing work processes are simplified by additional technologies: “Ultimately, this also means that I can use less qualified people in an assembly process, for example. So we no longer need the skilled worker, but have semi-skilled workers who we can introduce into the processes much more effectively and quickly. On the other hand, you need people who can produce instructions of extended reality and create these processes: “The field of qualification is changing, but neither of these are technologies that can replace human activity.”

Gerst from the IG Metall union takes a similar view. The willingness is great, the qualification effort relatively small: “Virtual and augmented reality provide new tools that employees can use in their everyday work without having to change their work fundamentally. Training is necessary, but these are usually simple adjustments”. Our media behaviour and the increasingly natural incorporation of technology in everyday life provide the best conditions:

Anyone who works a lot on a computer at home or enjoys playing games is familiar with virtual reality and knows how to install apps or maintain a mobile phone.

How streaming portals deal with shared accounts

For some, streaming is already the new television. But password sharing makes life difficult for providers.

Recently, Netflix announced that it would take measures against shared accounts. What about other streaming services? We have asked on three major platforms.

It has not been a month since Netflix announced when it announced its quarterly figures that it intends to take action against the shared use of access points in the future. How and when Netflix will take concrete measures in this regard has not yet been announced by the company – also at the request of our newspaper. How do other streaming services deal with password sharing? What can be shared, what is illegal?

If you just want to bypass the geoblocking, check out http://www.bestsmartdns.net/netflix-usa.

Amazon Prime Video

Customers of Amazon’s streaming service Prime Video can watch series and films on up to three devices simultaneously, provided that the content is different. It doesn’t matter who owns the streaming device. At Amazon, the GTCs regulate the handling of accounts and passwords. Passing on passwords to third parties is therefore not permitted. According to a company spokeswoman, account sharing is rare at Amazon anyway: “Since the Amazon account is basically used for all transactions at Amazon and customers deposit their credit card details, this sensitive data is normally not shared.

Sky Ticket

“Password sharing is a phenomenon known throughout the industry,” says Andreas Stumptner, who is responsible for communication on Sky product topics.

The extent to which Sky is affected and whether measures are planned against this was not answered on request. In the general terms and conditions of the streaming service Sky Ticket, the passing on of the Sky-Pin to minors and third parties is prohibited.

However, the log-in data of subscriptions can be shared without hesitation with adult persons who belong to the household. A maximum of four devices can be registered for this purpose, but they cannot be streamed to more than one device at the same time.

  1. According to Stumptner, password sharing is also limited in this way.
  2. Sky reserves the right to take legal action in the event of violations of the agreements, and the subscription can also be cancelled immediately.


With a subscription to the DAZN sports streaming service, it is possible to watch on a maximum of two devices at the same time. A DAZN spokesperson will inform you on request that you have to agree to the terms of use before signing up.

This states that the log-in data may not be shared with other persons. In the event of a violation of the rules, there is the possibility of “immediately suspending or terminating the service”, according to the company spokesman.

When we were asked to what extent DAZN was affected by password sharing and whether there were any plans to take action against it, we were not informed.

Bitcoin Futures Trading Explained

btc futures margin trading

What are Futures? The name says it all: Futures are transactions whose fulfillment lies in the future. Both commodities and securities can be traded, sometimes even futures on fictitious securities are offered, such as the Bitcoin Future. In contrast to options, futures are an unconditional forward transaction, so there is no option right, but the purchase or sale takes place in any case.

What are Futures – Explanation in Key Points

  • Fulfillment in the future
  • commodities (which Bitcoin is in the USA) or securities tradable
  • Difference and delivery transactions
  • Very speculative

The Idea behind Forward Contracts

The future is uncertain and that is often a problem. For example, when airlines are already selling August tickets in January, but don’t yet know what prices they will have to pay for kerosene. Or when companies enter into long-term supply contracts at fixed prices without knowing what the raw materials will cost them in the future.

Futures are therefore a kind of insurance. Of course Lufthansa could already buy and store the fuel for the whole year today, but that would cause high storage costs. In the case of food, storage is only possible to a limited extent, and it works even worse in the case of electricity. The most important commodity futures exchange in Germany is therefore also the Energy Exchange in Leipzig, which primarily trades electricity.

Meanwhile, the idea has also been transferred to securities, even cheap shares can be traded online via Future. One of the best known examples of this is the Bitcoin Future. This is a futures contract with a nine-month term at the start of a fictitious federal bond with a term of ten years and an interest coupon of 6.0 percent.

Originally, futures contracts were mainly concluded for commodities, but today there are also numerous futures contracts on securities.

What information must a Futures Contract contain?

Each future is issued on a specific underlying asset, such as the DAX. The value ratio of the future to the underlying asset or the value of a point in the future must also be specified. With the USD BUND Future, a contract is concluded for bonds with a value of EUR 100,000. With the DAX Future (FDAX), each point is worth 25 USD. At the same time, the smallest change in value (tick) is also defined, the FDAX, for example, always moves in steps of half points, so it can rise from 2,022.5 points to 2,023.0 points, but not to 2,022.7.

In addition, of course, a maturity must be specified; the BTC Future, for example, runs for a maximum of nine months. In addition, the amount of the margin and the costs must be defined.

In addition to the underlying asset, information on the value, the term and the margin are particularly important.

Bitcoin margin trading gets well explained on The Margin.

What is an Unconditional Forward Contracts?

There are two types of forward transactions: conditional and unconditional. In the case of conditional forward transactions, a participant has the right, but not the obligation, to execute the trade. Such conditional forward transactions are options, in which the holder also has the option not to exercise the option. For example, anyone who has the right to buy a security at a price of 6.80 USD will not use it if the current price is only 6.40 USD, i.e. the option is out of the money.

The situation is different with a future, where trading takes place in any case. The holder of an option must pay twice for this, once for the option and also for the security or the commodity. In the case of a future, the option price is often replaced by a down payment, the margin. This, however, is later offset against the purchase price, in contrast to the price for the option.

What are futures? Futures are unconditional forward transactions, so trading always takes place. Options, on the other hand, are conditional forward transactions; the owner of an option can also waive his option right.

What is a Difference Contract?

If you trade futures for speculative reasons, you naturally do not want 100 tonnes of coffee delivered at the end of the term. Such delivery transactions are common when companies want to hedge against price fluctuations on the futures markets, for example when a coffee roasting company buys coffee beans for the future.

Anyone trading for speculative reasons is usually not interested in a delivery transaction. Difference transactions are therefore common, especially for futures on securities and indices. The difference between the market price and the agreed price is taken into account, from which profit and loss are calculated.

If the buyer of a futures suffers a loss, the margin is initially used to service the loss and the remaining money is returned. If the loss exceeds the security deposit, money must be replenished. In contrast to options, more money can be lost than the money initially paid. If the current value is higher than the purchase price, the buyer receives the difference and the margin is paid back, less the fees, of course.

Also read this article about margin trading in the field of cryptocurrency at cointelegraph.com in order to even better understand the concept.

How to surf anonymously and safely through the Internet

When using the Internet, your PC transfers a lot of data in the background. Advertising companies, but also criminals and secret services have an interest in it. In this way you protect yourself from annoying snoopers.

When surfing the Internet, you leave more traces than you might think. Whenever you visit a website, the site operator learns your approximate location and some technical details about your PC, such as which browser version you are using.

In the background your PC transmits a lot of data – mostly unnoticed. “Computer Bild” tells you here how third parties spy on you and what means there are to protect themselves. In most cases, just a few clicks are enough to be much safer on the net.

Which data traces make me identifiable?

If you open a website, the server you are using will know your IP address. Your Internet provider assigns this number, which is comparable to a house number or telephone number, to your router. It allows conclusions to be drawn about your place of residence.

An exact identification on street level is not possible, however, all loaded sides experience your approximate residential area. In addition to your IP address, your PC also transmits information about the operating system, screen resolution, browser plug-ins and installed fonts.

Web pages also recognize you by means of so-called cookies: These small text files store web pages on your hard disk as soon as you visit them. Flash cookies make it possible to track you even across browsers: Regardless of the surfing program used, advertising companies receive a detailed picture of your surfing habits.

What do third parties do with my data?

Websites use the data transmitted in the background to tailor their content to you. For example, if a website recognizes you by means of a cookie, it will greet you with your name.

However, it is also possible for websites to display targeted advertising: for example, you may receive purchase suggestions for products that match the keywords you have entered and that you can buy near you. Statistical surveys are also possible. Some websites regularly publish an overview of how many of their visitors use which operating system.

Especially tricky: Specially prepared websites detect weak points in your software and smuggle malware onto your PC. Those who know your e-mail address can also send you intrusive advertising mails. In many cases, unsubscribing from e-mail advertising is unsuccessful and you continue to receive unsolicited messages.

Fingerprint of your browser

Even if your IP address changes due to a new Internet connection and you delete treacherous cookies, websites often still recognize you. In many cases, the sum of the information transmitted is sufficient.

The US Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) shows how clearly your identity can be assigned with the online service Panopticlick. When you perform the test, Panopticlick analyzes the information you automatically send, such as operating system, resolution or browser plug-ins, and calculates how many PCs with the same configuration have performed the test so far.

The probability is very high that your browser is unique among the 3.7 million systems tested to date (as of January 2014). The result is a digital fingerprint of your browser that theoretically identifies you at any time.

Protection against Internet espionage: this helps

To prevent strangers from evaluating your surfing habits, reduce the amount of information transmitted. It also helps to be on the move with false data: if you change your IP address using an anonymization program, for example, you fake websites of a different origin.

In the photo gallery above, “Computer Bild” shows you the best free programs that allow you to surf undetected. For example, the programs presented exchange your IP number, prevent secret contact with Facebook and prevent Google from recording the addresses of visited pages.

How anonymizers work

If you call up a website, anonymization programs act as mediators: They switch between you and the desired page and forward all data traffic to the respective remote peer. The visited website only sees the IP address of the software provider, but not yours – this is known only by the program manufacturer.

The disadvantage of anonymization software is that you can surf the Internet slower with your stealth activated. If you use an anonymizer, you also have to trust the provider completely. After all, your entire surfing session runs on one of its servers.

If the obfuscation works, you can find out on How is my IP: Call the page once with and once without anonymization. The displayed IP addresses should differ from each other, you can read more about it in this forum: https://www.nickles.de/.

Only enter as much data as necessary

The recommended programs reliably disguise you, but help little if you use web services with clear names. If you want to protect your privacy, you should either not use sites that require registration, such as social networks, or use false names.

  • The Fake Name Generator helps to create false identities. Based on predefined criteria, the page generates complete personal profiles at the push of a button.
  • Also be careful when it comes to publishing information on the Internet: as you know, the Internet forgets nothing.
  • Even if you delete content later, it is often still stored in a Google cache or on Archive.org. Your potential future employer might find embarrassing party photos of you costing you the job.

Using alternatives to big websites

For more discretion, it is advisable to switch to less popular Internet services. DuckDuckGo, for example, is an alternative to Google. According to its own information, the site does not store any user information.

Anonymous on the Internet via UMTS stick

What many users do not know: USB sticks, with which you can access the Internet via a mobile phone network, also contribute to your anonymity. The access providers ensure that you get an IP address that you can use to communicate with other websites.

  • Advantage: The IP address is given not only to you, but also to many other users of the provider. In addition, these are usually dynamically distributed addresses so that you can access the Internet with a new number when you dial in later. This means that third parties are not in a position to trace the IP address assigned to you by the mobile phone provider back to you – you are lost in the mass of users.
  • Attention: Surfing via UMTS stick does not guarantee complete anonymity! Using your SIM card and the serial number of the stick (International Mobile Equipment Identity, or IMEI for short), the mobile phone provider will locate you easily. The method therefore only helps to withhold your own identity from website operators.

Fend off malware and spyware

If malware reaches your PC, such as a Trojan horse or spyware, it can spy on you. You can protect yourself by using an antivirus program and regularly updating installed programs.